Modern OpenGL deferred rendering example
This little project shall contain the tools to produce the following techniques and effects:
- deferred rendering
- deferred lighting
- shadows
- bloom
Development is done with
- Conan 2.x
- CMake 3.27.x
- Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition
Conan install for debug and release build types
conan install . --build=missing --settings=build_type=Debug && conan install . --build=missing --settings=build_type=Release
CMake project generation
cmake --preset conan-default
For Windows development, open the solution file (.sln) located in the newly created build directory. For Linux development, note that the build directory now should contain a Debug and Release directory which can be build via build command separately.
In case of issues try (in no particular order)
- Removing the build directory and the CMakeUserPresets.json
- Cleaning the repository via
git clean -xfd
- Deleting and cloning the whole repository again
- Ensure your cmake version is at least 3.27.0
- Ensure your conan profile is generated in case of a new conan installation
- Ensure your conan is at version 2.x
- Ensure your conan profile is set to C++ standard 17 or higher