Project to demonstrate a Kafka deployment in a local Kubernetes environment that simulates streaming videos, classifies the frames images using a machine learning model and uploads the predictions to a MongoDB collection
- Docker
- Minikube
- Kafka
- MongoDB
- OpenCV
- Tensorflow
- Docker: open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications
- Minikube: local Kubernetes, focusing on making it easy to learn and develop
Clone the repository
Put videos files in the following folder:
Supported formats are:
tl;dr: make run
Start minikube service
minikube start
Deploy Zookeeper and Kafka Broker
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/zookeeper.yaml kubectl wait $(kubectl get pods -o name) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=600s kubectl apply -f kubernetes/kafka-broker.yaml
Deploy MongoDB
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb.yaml
Build and deploy Video Consumer
docker build -t video-consumer -f apps/video-consumer/Dockerfile apps/video-consumer minikube image load video-consumer kubectl apply -f kubernetes/video-consumer.yaml
Build and deploy Video Producer
docker build -t video-producer -f apps/video-producer/Dockerfile apps/video-producer minikube image load video-producer kubectl apply -f kubernetes/video-producer.yaml
In order to check the output, enable MongoDB port forwarding:
make mongodb-local
And connect to the database locally via: