Version 1.3.0
CapoRSS is a simple self-hosted RSS aggregator written in Ruby and Javascript.
- Live notifications using Server-Sent Events.
- Pubsubhubbub (Push) support for live feed updates.
- Mobile device support using responsive HTML.
- Feed organization using folders with drag-and-drop support.
- Import and export feeds in OPML format.
- Import favorites in JSON format (GReader-compatible). Export favorites in JSON and HTML format.
- Sync your feeds with mobile applications compatible with the Google Reader API.
This procedure will run CapoRSS in development mode using an SQLite database. Other installation methods can be found in the installation documentation file.
Install Ruby 2.1.0
Install the "bundler" Ruby gem using this command:
gem install bundler
Clone CapoRSS :
git clone
Run a "bundle install" in the application's root directory. Note that some dependencies are native extensions, so you may need to install a compiler and development packages:
bundle install --without production test travis
Start CapoRSS using this command:
bundle exec ruby app.rb
Open a web browser and go to "http://localhost:4567"
The default username/password is "admin"/"admin"
- Installation
- Development
- User documentation :
- English version
- French version
- Changelog / Release notes
CapoRSS is built on top of these great projects :
- Ruby
- Sinatra
- Datamapper
- Feedjira
- Nokogiri
- R18n
- Bootstrap
- bootstrap3-typeahead
- Font awesome
- PNotify
- Backbone.js
- Marionette.js
- Lo-Dash
- JQuery
- JQuery-cookie
- Haml
- Sass
- Thin
- rack-ssl-enforcer
- sinatra-flash
- Bower
- Grunt
Also, CapoRSS's favicon is from the RRZE Icon Set
- Optimisations, performance improvements and bugfixes