This repo hosts a Express App in main folder and a React App in admin folder
from main folder run
npm install
npm run dev
Application will start at localhost:4000 you should have installed nodmeon once using below commad
npm i nodemon -g
admin folder resides inside same root folder go to admin folder and execute following commands
npm i
npm start
react app will start at localhost:3000/admin
This application is heroku ready you must declare three environment variables namely
db will contain the connection string of your mongo db ideally you should create a project at and get a connection string from there.
just copy the code in your own repo and link your heroku with this code.
A Cron job runs at the server to refresh the data every 30 minutes. comment out
const { startCronJobs } = require("./croneJobs/index");
to avoid data refresh
name:"usman", email:"[email protected]" password:"admin" roles:["admin","customer"]
every user who has admin in its roles array will be able to modify the data.
locally react app will not be served from express. In order to do that you need to run following command from admin folder
npm run build
Live version is hosted at