Rename the following files and update their config values:
cp etc/settings.yml.example etc/settings.yml
Scripts that use Python and SSL do not work with available libraries for doing SSL verification when SNI is used, so a virtualenv must be setup
virtualenv --no-site-packages ./python-env
./python-env/bin/pip install -r ./.requirements.txt
Removes or reports on directories that belong to disabled accounts.
./maintenance-scripts/ --noop --report --report-space
Run through removal without actually removing anything
./maintenance-scripts/ --noop
Run actual removal
Changes the primary GID of an account. This will perform the following updates
- Set correct primary_group in account management application
- Set proper gidNumber for user in LDAP
- Remove user's DN from uniqueMember of old group
- Add user's DN to uniqueMember of new group
- Remove old user's SLURM record associating them to old group/account
- Add user's SLURM record associating them to new group/account
- find /home/$user -group $oldgroup -exec chgrp $newgroup {] ;
- find /fdata/scratch/$user -group $oldgroup -exec chgrp $newgroup {] ;
Example execution:
./python-env/bin/python ./maintenance-scripts/ --username treydock-test1 --new-group general --old-group acad1
Sync the ZFS quota information from LDAP to the local ZFS filesystem (tank/home).
Run command without making changes and only reporting information
./python-env/bin/python ./maintenance-scripts/ --noop
Run command applying any necessary changes to ZFS quotas
./python-env/bin/python ./maintenance-scripts/
Report on CPU hours for cluster or account for given amount of time. Default is previous month.
Report on CPU hours for previous month for a specific account
./slurm-scripts/ --account hepx
Report on CPU hours used for given amount of time. Default is previous month.
Report on CPU hours for previous month for a specific account
./slurm-scripts/ --account hepx
Run sanity checks against an OSG CE and SE. The following items are tested
- Condor CE can run simple commands via condor_ce_run
- CE can transfer files via globus-url-copy
- SE can transfer files via srmcp
- SE can remove files via srmrm
Example usage:
./osg-scripts/ --ce --se
Check that the provided DN and username is mapped in GUMS
Example usage:
./osg-scripts/ 'DN HERE' USERNAME
Find a GUMS mapped DN by username
Example usage:
./osg-scripts/ USERNAME
Update SLURM on compute nodes and restart SLURM service. Intended to be run via parallel SSH programs like clush
clush -g all -b '/path/to/node-scripts/'
Update SLURM config files from shared location. Updates slurm.conf, nodes.conf, partitions.conf and cgroup.conf.
clush -g all -b '/path/to/node-scripts/ /home/admin/etc/slurm-node'
This script is a used to query repos currently in Pulp.
Query all repos:
./python-env/bin/python -W ignore ./pulp-scripts/ list
Query a specific repo:
./python-env/bin/python -W ignore ./pulp-scripts/ list --repo test-osg33-el6
Query details about all repos (or specific repo using --repo flag):
./python-env/bin/python -W ignore ./pulp-scripts/ list --details
This script is used to query content of specific repos.
List content of a specific repo:
./python-env/bin/python -W ignore ./pulp-scripts/ list brazos-el6
List specific content of a specific repo:
./python-env/bin/python -W ignore ./pulp-scripts/ list brazos-el6 --match slurm
Show a diff between two repos:
./python-env/bin/python -W ignore ./pulp-scripts/ diff --from-repo-id=test-osg32-el6 --to-repo-id=osg32-el6 --show-diff
This script will query Pulp tasks.
List all tasks:
./python-env/bin/python -W ignore ./pulp-scripts/ list
List all tasks with waiting or skipped state:
./python-env/bin/python -W ignore ./pulp-scripts/ list --list-state waiting skipped
This script was intended to cleanup repos. In practice it did not work, so the script currently just prints data.
Remove packages from brazos-centos-6-base that are not in centos-6-base, attempt to make brazos-centos-6-base have same packages as centos-6-base:
./python-env/bin/python -W ignore ./pulp-scripts/ removeold --from-repo-id centos-6-base --to-repo-id=brazos-centos-6-base