Pascal VOC mAP for standard YOLOv5 dataset format using (
Each image has a text file of the same name that contains the annotaions of the objects associated with that image. Each text file is similar to the following:
0 0.146094 0.724219 0.060937 0.064062
0 0.841667 0.806641 0.316667 0.386719
4 0.459375 0.723047 0.011458 0.019531
<class ID> <x center> <y center> <width> <height>
Similar to the above except that each line represents:
<class ID> <confidence score> <x center> <y center> <width> <height>
python -gt {ground truth dir} -pr {predictions dir} -trh {threshold}
python -gt toy_example/test -pr toy_example/preds -trh 0.75