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A discord bot made using JavaScript and node.js and utilises discord.js and OpenAI APIs


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DISCORD AI CHATBOT 🤖 - by Jack and Elena


This project aims to create a Discord bot using Node.js that integrates with the Discord API and OpenAI for dynamic responses.


  • Project Setup with Libraries

    • Create a new Node.js project.
    • Install discord.js and openai libraries using npm.
    • Set up discord.js and openai by requiring them in your project.
  • Secure Configuration

    • Create a .env file to store API keys.
    • Use require('dotenv/config') to load API keys from the .env file.
    • Add .env to .gitignore to ensure sensitive information is not committed to the repository.
  • Bot Initialization

    • Initialize the Discord bot with new Discord.Client().
    • Log in to Discord using client.login with your Discord token.
  • Message Handling

    • Set up a message event listener with client.on('messageCreate', callback).
    • Process incoming messages and respond with a "hello" message.
  • Optimization

    • Implement efficient event handling.
  • OpenAI Chat Integration and Response Generation

    • Integrate OpenAI into the bot.
    • Use with your API key to generate responses.
    • Pass conversation history and other necessary parameters to receive context-aware chat completions.
  • Response Management

    • Manage OpenAI responses returned by
    • Send the response back to the Discord channel.
  • Command Processing

    • Process commands directed at the bot using string matching or a command prefix.
    • Distinguish between general messages and commands meant for the bot.
  • Error Handling

    • Implement error handling using .catch or try...catch within fetch or async functions.
    • Manage exceptions and provide error messages if something goes wrong.

Stretch Goals

  • Messaging Users Directly

    • Utilize the user.send() method in Discord.js to send direct messages to users.
  • Dialogue Boxes and Interactive Responses

    • Implement Discord's message components like buttons and select menus using MessageActionRow and MessageButton or MessageSelectMenu classes from Discord.js.
    • Handle interactions with client.on(Events.InteractionCreate, callback).
  • Creating Private Chats (Channels)

    • Use guild.channels.create() to create new private channels and manage access using permission overwrites in Discord.js.
  • Automated Moderation Features

    • Monitor messages for specific keywords or patterns using client.on(Events.MessageCreate, callback).
    • Implement moderation actions like message.delete() for removing inappropriate content and guildMember.timeout() for muting users.
  • Multimedia Responses (Images, GIFs, Audio Clips)

    • Send multimedia content using with the files option.
    • Explore Discord.js voice modules for handling voice channels and streaming.

Testing Checklist

Discord.js Integration Verification

  • Verify Discord.js integration by creating a test function that creates a new Discord client.

OpenAI Library Integration

  • Ensure that the OpenAI library is correctly integrated by creating a test function that attempts to use the OpenAI API to create a simple chat completion or query.

API Key Security

  • Test that the bot securely loads API keys from the .env file, confirming that no sensitive information is hard-coded.

Bot Initialization and Login

  • Ensure that the bot initializes and logs into Discord successfully.

Message Event Handling

  • Simulate receiving a message and verify that the bot responds with a "hello" message, testing the message event listener's functionality.

Command Processing

  • Simulate commands directed at the bot to check if it accurately processes these commands from general messages.

Error Handling

  • Introduce faults or exceptions in bot interactions to verify that the bot's error handling mechanisms effectively manage and log errors.

Response Formatting and Dispatching

  • Mock the process of sending responses back to the Discord channel, verifying that the bot formats and dispatches messages correctly.

Direct Messaging

  • Ensure the bot can send direct messages to users, testing the user.send() method's functionality.

Multimedia Response Handling

  • Test the bot's ability to send multimedia responses under specified conditions, ensuring it can handle images, GIFs, and audio clips effectively.

Extra Notes

View a branch when reviewing a pull request

  • to view a remote branch from someone else you must
    • git fetch -p
      • this will get the meta data for new repos and prune the old deleted remote repos
    • check to that branch
      • you should checking the github repo and seeing what pull requests there are in relation to what branch you want to be checking
      • if you need help finding the branch use: git branch -a
      • **** if the list of branches are getting to long and hard to find the right one use: git fetch -p, then try again with git branch -a
    • If you approve of the pull request changes, accept the pull request on github to merge to main
      • remember to delete the branch on github

Post pull request

  • after accepting pull request you must
    • update your main on local
      • check to main
      • pull
    • merge main to your local working branch (local meaning your vscode)
      • check to your working branch
      • merge main
    • there will be a merge conflict, resolve the merge conflict in vscode with the conflict editor (there is a button)
      • if we want everything, accept both, otherwise use judgement of what which one needs to be implemented
    • you may need to git commit after merge to conclude it
    • after merge, remember to push your local working branch to github
      • git push This will allow to work on your current feature but ensure it's uptodate with main

When you have done some code you want to add to main

  • make sure you have added, committed and pushed everything in vscode
  • on github make a pull request for your branch


A discord bot made using JavaScript and node.js and utilises discord.js and OpenAI APIs







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