ccBind is a js script to add two direction binding function to node. It includes the functions below:
- active control
- input
- string format
- click event
- sprite switch
- array prefab
- tab(toggle)
- global binding
- bind by code
- 显示和隐藏
- 输入绑定
- 字符串格式化
- 点击事件
- 图片切换
- 预制体的数组处理
- 分页栏
- 全部变量绑定
- 动态代码绑定
The values/functions of binding must be defined on the corresponding node(or node's parent, parent's parent or ..) or global environment. They cannot be defined on the component.
- binding in array
- deleting key detection
- 目前数组下是没有双向绑定的功能,
- 当前绑定对象,删除时,没有清空回调行数