Releases: f1xpl/SpotifyKeys
Releases · f1xpl/SpotifyKeys
SpotifyKeys 1.4.1
SpotifyKeys 1.4
Implementation of key code for launch learning
Implementation of spotify launch after key press
Polymporhic solution for multiple and single key learning
SpotifyKeys 1.3
Added toggle play key codes learning functionality
Removed "switching track when paused" functionality - since this version all keys are operational only when spotify's playback is active
SpotifyKeys 1.2
Fixed issue with unexpected key learning after timeout
Extracted switch-direction dependent classes to separated packages
Extracted framework classes to separated package
Introduced KeyCodesStorage to connect array adapter and preferences
SpotifyKeys 1.1
Added support for learning multiple key codes per action <NEXT, PREV>
Removed learner class
Polymoprhic solution for key code learning - will be useful in future development
Polymorphic solution for preferences (keys storage)
Initial release
1.0 Initial commit