Dashboard For Creating Kustom Widgets Pack
This project is made with Flutter by Sarthak Patil.
- Open Pubspec.yaml and run Pub Get
- open lib/setup folder and edit both files according to you
- open Project\android\app\src\main\res\values\config.xml and edit
- Paste Your Widgets in Project\android\app\src\main\assets\widgets
- Paste Your Widgets in Project\assets\ in zip and edit them
- app logo in Project\assets\app elements
- Paste Logos in Project\android\app\src\main\res
- version name and version code in pubspec.yaml
- Renaming app And Unique Package Name open terminal and run this 9.1 flutter pub global activate rename 9.2 flutter pub global run rename setBundleId --targets android --value "com.example.bundleId" 9.3 flutter pub global run rename setAppName --targets android --value "YourAppName"
10 signing the app
10.1 create project\android\key.properties and paste this storePassword= novel123 keyPassword=novel123 keyAlias=upload storeFile=keystore.jks
10.2 paste keystore in Project\android\app\keystore.jks 10.3 open keystore in keystore explorer and copy SHA1 and SHA256
- Create New Project In FireBase
11.1 Register your app 11.2 Go to build then Authentication and enable it for google 11.3 Go to Project Settings And add SHA1 and SHA256
- flutter build apk --split-per-abi flutter build appbundle