- 🤔 Excited when it comes to reading and getting challenged
- 🎓 Software Engineer BAC+5 diploma at ISIG - Goma
- 🌱 Learning how to build strong backend applications and Machine Learning
- ✍️ Got a hobby on Chess
- 💻 JavaScript | Java | C# | Python
- 🌐 HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap | PHP
- 🛢 MySQL | SQLServer
- 🔧 Git | GitHub
- 🖥 ArcGIS | SPSS
- 🖥 Odoo
[![Exauce Mwililikwa's GitHub Stats](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=exauce-mwililikwa&show_icons=true)](https://github.com/exauce-mwililikwa)
Learning at uptodave
💻 UI/UX Design: Adobe XD
⭐️ From exauce-mwililikwa