A very basic DI Container with factory methods inspired by Swinject.
Supports three dependency scopes: shared (across all containers), transient (created dependencies are not stored) and scoped (dependencies created in a sub-container are not visible in the parent containers).
protocol Car {
var name: String { get }
var age: Int { get }
class Supercar: Car {
let name = "Supercar"
let age: Int
init(age: Int) {
self.age = age
protocol Builder { func buildInt() -> Int }
class SuperBuilder: Builder {
func buildInt() -> Int {
let container = Container()
container.register(Builder.self) { _ in SuperBuilder() }
container.register(Car.self) { (c: Container, age: Int) in
let builder: Builder = c.resolve(Builder.self)!
return Supercar(age: builder.buildInt() * 2)
let subContainer = container.spawnSubcontainer()
let car = subContainer.resolve(Car.self, arg1: 4)
let car2 = container.resolve(Car.self, arg1: 4)