gRPC interface for edagames platform-game communication
## Compiling
To compile protobuf definition into Python files install grpcio-tools and execute
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./src --python_out=./src --grpc_python_out=./src ./src/edagames_grpc/eda_games.proto
## Examples
Examples for simple client and server are located in the examples folder
To run them each example use:
- Client:
python -m examples.client
- Server:
python -m examples.server
- Command to install the package:
pip install edagames-grpc
- Steps for running a new version package with changes:
- Change the version in the
- run:
python bdist_wheel sdist
to update the package locally - run:
twine upload dist/*
to upload the new package version to pypi