A social application called DevConnector, where developers connect with each other.Built with React/Redux, NodeJs and MongoDB.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- Chat functionality where developers can talk to each other at real-time.
- Social login/Register with google, facebook etc.
When the App is executed, you will be able to:
Login or Register as a new user;
Create your profile by inputing your developer and educational experience.
Get a list of developers.
View post from other developers and partake in the discussions;
- React
- JavaScript/ES6
- React Hooks
- React Router
- Redux
- React Redux
- Heroku
- Node
- Npm
- git clone
- cd Social-App.
- run npm install on the root directory.
- then cd to client and run npm install.
- Go back to the root and run npm dev and your app will run at
👤 Evanson Igiri
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- MIcroverse
- Microverse TSE's
This project is Apache licensed.