Releases: evanshunt/frontendeditlink
Releases · evanshunt/frontendeditlink
Adds a CSS class for easier styling overrides
Uses link method rather than manually building link
Thanks @davejtoews for the update.
Uses link method rather than manually building link
Thanks @davejtoews for the link method update.
Updates readme with correct extension syntax
2.2 Updates readme with correct extension syntax
Sets type to silverstripe-module instead of silverstripe-vendormodule
1.2 Fixes type so the module doesn’t install in vendor directory
Using packagist recommended all lowercase name
2.1 Updates readme
Using packagist recommended all lowercase name
1.1 Updates SS3 branch readme
SilverStripe 4 support
2 Updates composer file with correct package name
SilverStripe 3 support
0.4 Adds SilverStripe 3 support