This repository contains all the code for Camargo, C.Q., John, P., Margetts, H.Z., and Hale, S.A. (2021). Measuring the volatility of the political agenda in public opinion and news media. Public Opinion Quarterly, Oxford University Press.
All data can be retrieved from the original sources using the code provided.
- GLES-MII contains all code needed to analyse the German Longitudinal Election Study data. The data are taken from: GLES (2019): Longterm-Online-Tracking, Cumulation 2009-2017 (GLES). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA6832 Data file Version 1.1.0,
- MORI-MII contains code to scrape and anlyse the most important issue survey data from the Ipsos MORI website and analyse it.
- UK_media contains code to scrape and anlyse The Times.
- der_spiegel contains code to scrape and analyse Der Spiegel archive data.