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Etienne Gauvin edited this page Jun 21, 2013 · 8 revisions

All of this methods return data from Allociné in a AlloData object or an array (if AlloData class does not exist), or false and throw an ErrorException when there is an error. HTTP requests are do with php_curl (default) or file_get_contents (if php_curl isn't installed with php).



AlloHelper::search( string $q [, int $page [, int $count [, bool $sortMovies [, array $filter [, &$url ]]]]] )

Search some data on Allociné with keywords.

  • string $q : keywords (need more than one character) ;
  • int $page = 1 : result page ;
  • int $count = 10 : maximum number of results per page ;
  • bool $sortMovies = false : reorganize or not the films according to the similarity between the title and the search string $q (Results are in 'movieSorted') ;
  • array $filter = array() : filter results to gain speed. May be filled with "movietheater", "movie", "theater", "person", "news", "tvseries", "location", "character", "video" or "photo" ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.

Movie list (now showing/coming soon)

AlloHelper::movielist( [ string $filter [, string $order [, int $count [, int $page [, &$url ]]]]] )

Get a movie list.

  • string $filter = 'nowshowing' : the movie type to get: "nowshowing" or "comingsoon" ;
  • string $order = 'dateasc' : the order in which to display movies: "dateasc", "datedesc", "theatercount" ou "toprank" (by popularity) ;
  • int $count = 10 : maximum number of results per page ;
  • int $page = 1 : result page ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.


AlloHelper::movie( int $code [, string $profile [, &$url ]] )

Get information about a movie.

  • int $code : the movie code ;
  • int $profile = 'medium' : quantity of information to return: "small", "medium" or "large" ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.


AlloHelper::news( int $code [, string $profile [, &$url ]] )

Get information about a news (article from Allociné).

  • int $code : the news code ;
  • int $profile = 'medium' : quantity of information to return: "small", "medium" or "large" ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.

Media (photo/video)

AlloHelper::media( int $code [, string $profile [, &$url ]] )

Get information about a media (video / picture).

  • int $code : the media code ;
  • int $profile = 'medium' : quantity of information to return: "small", "medium" or "large" ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.


AlloHelper::person( int $code [, string $profile [, &$url ]] )

Get information about a person (actor, director, etc).

  • int $code : the person code ;
  • int $profile = 'medium' : quantity of information to return: "small", "medium" or "large" ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.


AlloHelper::filmography( int $code [, string $profile [, &$url ]] )

Get the filmography o a person.

  • int $code : the person code ;
  • int $profile = 'medium' : quantity of information to return: "small", "medium" or "large" ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.

Review list

AlloHelper::reviewlist( int $code [, string $filter [, string $type [, int $count [, int $page [, &$url ]]]]] )

Get the reviews of spectators or of press about a movie or a TV series.

  • int $code : Code of the movie or the TV serie ;
  • string $filter = 'press' : get reviews from press or from spectators -> "public" ;
  • string $type = 'movie' : the data type ("movie" or "tvseries") which corresponds to the code $code ;
  • int $count = 10 : maximum number of results per page ;
  • int $page = 1 : result page ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.


AlloHelper::showtimesByZip( int|string $zip [, string $date [, int $movieCode [, int $count [, int $page [, &$url ]]]]] )

Get with zip code a list of cinemas and the list of movies that are currently.

  • int|string $zip : the cinema's zip code ;
  • string $date = null : get list of show times for one date only ;
  • int $movieCode = null : get list of show times for one movie only ;
  • int $count = 10 : maximum number of results per page ;
  • int $page = 1 : result page ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.

AlloHelper::showtimesByPosition( float $lat, float $long [, int $radius [, string $date [, int $movieCode [, int $count [, int $page [, &$url ]]]]]] )

Get with latitude and longitude a list of cinemas and the list of movies that are currently.

  • float $lat : a latitude ;
  • float $long : a longitude ;
  • int $radius = 10 : the radius around the position ;
  • string $date = null : get list of show times for one date only ;
  • int $movieCode = null : get list of show times for one movie only ;
  • int $count = 10 : maximum number of results per page ;
  • int $page = 1 : result page ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.

AlloHelper::showtimesByTheaters( array|string $theaters [, string $date [, int $movieCode [, int $count [, int $page [, &$url ]]]]] )

Get a list of cinemas with there code and the list of movies that are currently.

  • array|string $theaters : the cinema code or an array of cinemas code ;
  • string $date = null : get list of show times for one date only ;
  • int $movieCode = null : get list of show times for one movie only ;
  • int $count = 10 : maximum number of results per page ;
  • int $page = 1 : result page ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.

TV serie

AlloHelper::tvserie( int $code [, string $profile [, &$url ]] )

Get information about a TV serie.

  • int $code : the TV serie code ;
  • int $profile = 'medium' : quantity of information to return: "small", "medium" or "large" ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.

AlloHelper::season( int $code [, string $profile [, &$url ]] )

Get information about a season of a TV serie.

  • int $code : the season code ;
  • int $profile = 'medium' : quantity of information to return: "small", "medium" or "large" ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.

AlloHelper::episode( int $code [, string $profile [, &$url ]] )

Get information about an episode of a season of a TV serie.

  • int $code : the episode code ;
  • int $profile = 'medium' : quantity of information to return: "small", "medium" or "large" ;
  • &$url = null : a reference to the URL used.