modular.matrix~ is an array of signal connectors and mixers (adders). It can have any number of inlets and outlets. Signals entering at each inlet can be routed to one or more of the outlets, with a variable amount of gain. If an outlet is connected to more than one inlet, its output signal is the sum of the signals from the inlets.
modular.matrix~ is a mc object : all of its signal inlets are combined into a single multichannel inlet and all of its signal outlets are combined into a single multichannel outlet.
Download from release
Unzip the package and copy the resulting directory in ~/Documents/Max 8/Library
Important The graphical component of modular.matrix~ depend for now on spat5.matrix
Max object who is a part of spat5
project available on IRCAM Forum.
Clone this repository and cd max-modular-matrix && npm install && npm run build
to build the script from Max.
Sources files are located in src
Please see modular.matrix.maxhelp for more infos
The modular-matrix has received support from the Ircam UPI SO(a)P