EST's first album
You can listen to latest versions on the music player for this album project here:
- Put a music composition project on a distributed and collaborative-friendly platform. Practically, I couldn't find anyone locally to write with for this. So, why not open it all up?
- Open the process of music creation. It's messy in the sausage factory, but most of us never peer inside. Here's your chance.
- The git versioning paradigm actually makes a lot of sense for a creative project. Not everything "translates" to code development and software project management, but a surprising amount does. Versioning, commenting, committing, "better is the enemy of done"...
This is also an exploration of using git for an album project. Things will change.
In this context, the status will define "what is it most recently and what is the next step" on a track sub-project.
"DRAFT" - The track is coming together, with the choice and voicings of instruments, rhythm, harmony, etc. Still needing work, likely needing lyrics track
If you see a space where you can contribute, whether mastering, recording your own instrumentation or vocals, organization, or whatever, just make a pull request or open an issue ticket.
Erik Thorelli - Guitar, Bass, Drums, Synth, Keyboard, et al.
Copyright Erik Thorelli 2018