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pas edited this page Oct 9, 2012 · 8 revisions

Test for exceptions

Sometimes you want to check if an exception is thrown. For that you can use assert_raise

assert_raise(RuntimeError) { #Code that should throw a RuntimeError }

Use setup and teardown in tests to initialize your testdata

setup is always called before a test starts and teardown when the test is finished. So you can write


def setup
  @user = Models::User.created(

def teardown

def test1
  #Do something with @user

Instead of

def test1
  user = Models::User.created(
  #Do something with user

# ... A lot of tests using a user ...

def test100
  user = Models::User.created(
  #Do something with user

Make links to post a form

Use java-script for that

<form action='/unregister' name='data' method='POST'></form>
<a href="javascript:data.submit()">Delete Account</a>

See our Menu for an example

Retrieve a fileversion from a previous commit


git log

to see commit and write down the hash on the top of the commit

commit 584f0c4b4704fb11a45cb8c1351cb33
Merge: ce32bd5 bdaa84e
Author: Pas <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Oct 8 12:29:42 2012 +0200

Merge branch 'master' of

Then checkout the file

git checkout 584f0c4b4704fb11a45cb8c1351cb33 path/to/your/file.rb

And commit the retrieved file

Clone this wiki locally