This juju charm implements the grafana-dashboard interface to send over a custom dashboard to grafana using the prometheus2 charm to connect it with a datasource.
charmcraft build
juju add-model examples
juju model-config default-series=focal
juju model-config logging-config="<root>=WARNING;unit=TRACE"
# Deploy grafana
juju deploy grafana
# Deploy prometheus2 as prometheus since this seems to help.
juju deploy prometheus2 prometheus
# Deploy our charm
juju deploy ./grafana-dashboard-example_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm
# Connect with prometheus and grafana
juju relate grafana-dashboard-example:scrape prometheus
juju relate grafana-dashboard-example:grafana-dashboard grafana
# Visit grafana http://grafana:3000
# Get admin password:
juju run-action grafana/0 get-login-info --wait
We provide two relations in metadata.yaml:
interface: grafana-dashboard
interface: prometheus
We implement those in src/
In the install event, prometheus-node-exporter is installed that collects and provides metrics. This is related with prometheus which create a datasource for us.
"__inputs": [
"name": "DS_INFRA",
"label": "infra",
"description": "",
"type": "datasource",
"pluginId": "prometheus",
"pluginName": "Prometheus"
The placeholders (DS_INFRA) is replaced in the code, with the datasource name which we modify before ending them over to grafana with the relation data.
If you intend to roll your own dashboard to send to grafana, you need to properly export it using "share for export externally" which brings along a usable json. You still need to edit it to fit your scenario.
Erik Lönroth, support me by attributing my work and pay me.
OpenStack charmers team for code: https://
LMA charmers team for prometheus2 charm:
Juju team for the grafana-dashboard interface:
LXD charm developers for a massive example: