Make images into the style of Skullphone's "digital media painting" artwork.
Here is an example of the current input/output of the notebook:
In Terminal:
- Place image and in the same directory.
- Run the script with python (requires NumPy, OpenCV2, MatPlotLib, PIL, sys, os), with the image and scale as arguments:
python [str IMAGE_NAME] [int SCALE]
- If a readable image is given, MatPlotLib will open a window showing input and output images side-by-side. The output image will also be saved to the cwd under the same name with scale appended.
- Errors will be printed to the terminal.
In Jupyter:
- Just open and run the notebook cell-by-cell. This is the easiest way to see how the code works.
- Write tests. How do you write tests for image processing scripts?
- Build out GUI for input/output?
Move to webapp (Docker based?)(shelved 2/21)- Expand to process video in real-time (ish). Use to build a "mirror".