Theoretical Physics Mathematica
The purpose of this code is that: I want to use mathematica to realize some algebras. Usually, if we want to expectation in shm setting, we use
the creation/annhiliation operators. But it is hard to create these abstract operators rather matrix representation for these operators.
So in this code, I create this abstract operators which can be used to compute the expectation values in few seconds.
Also if one wishs, one can construct any lie algebra ex: lorentz algebra, spin algebra, poincare algebra, susy algebra if they want via this code template. Some simple examples are include below. If you have any questions about the structure, please email to [email protected].
1 simple harmonic oscillator (a and a daggeral)
2 Virasoro algebra calculation, proof central charge=26 etc
3 Poincare algebra (proof Pauli Lubanski pseudovector^2 is a casimir operator)
4 N=1 super Virasoro algebra calculation. Proof c=15.
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