A simple node.js wrapper around a Java application that provides easy access to Sybase databases via jconn3. The main goal is to allow easy installation without the requirements of installing and configuring odbc or freetds. You do however have to have java 1.5 or newer installed.
- java 1.5+
git clone git://github.com/erelender/node-sybase.git
cd node-sybase
node-gyp configure build
npm install sybase
var Sybase = require('sybase'),
db = new Sybase('host', port, 'dbName', 'username', 'pw');
db.connect(function (err) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
db.query('select * from user where user_id = 42', function (err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err);
The api is super simple. It makes use of standard node callbacks so that it can be easily used with promises. The only thing not covered in the example above is the option to print some timing stats to the console as well as to specify the location of the Java application bridge, which shouldn't need to change.
var logTiming = true,
javaJarPath = './JavaSybaseLink/dist/JavaSybaseLink.jar',
db = new Sybase('host', port, 'dbName', 'username', 'pw', logTiming, javaJarPath);
The java Bridge now optionally looks for a "sybaseConfig.properties" file in which you can configure jconnect properties to be included in the connection. This should allow setting properties like:
This fork has been modified to accept ISO-8859-9 encoding from the JAR file for use with operating systems with default Turkish encoding.