User manuals are located in the 'doc' directory.
- Boost
- Intel MKL -> Must be installed
To have Git remember the credentials for you, do this
git config --global credential.helper cache # (activate memory cache)
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600' # (timeout in seconds)```
If you intend to modify the repository, you should checkout a fork of this project rather than checking out the repository directly. When you have made a fork, you can set this repository as your origin using:
git checkout --track origin/release-4.3
(At the time being, it is adviced that you use branch release-4.3)
Go to the directory containing the seismic-forward git repository
clion CMakeLists.txt
Go to the directory above the directory containing the seismic-forward git repository
cd dir-above-seismic-forward
Make directory where you want the project and executable to be build
mkdir my-proj-dir
Go to this directory and run to set up compiler and library dependencies
cd my-proj-dir
Generate the executable
The executable can be run directly once an XML model file/job file has been created. The only input data needed is an Eclipse-grid with Vp, Vs and Rho.
cd directory-with-Eclipse-grid
path-to-executable/seismic_forward my_job_file.xml
To run all tests do
To run a single test do
../seismic-forward/ case=1
NBNB! If more than one angle is involved, I think that results for the first angle only is checked. This is the way NRLib currently works.