Logalicious is a Java library that can be used to log messages generated by your app, and have them stored in an encrypted database for later retrieval and / or automatically send them via email at a specified interval and by severity level.
- Encrypted log database
- Emailing of log entries at customisable frequency and severity level
- Supports TLS encryption or plaintext for emailing log entries
Import the logalicious-1.0.jar module into your project as a library and use as follows
import com.eo.LogSender;
import com.eo.LogWriter;
import com.eo.LogReader;
class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Log using supported severity levels
LogWriter.writeLog(LogWriter.INFO, "Just a bit of info");
LogWriter.writeLog(LogWriter.WARNING, "This is a warning");
LogWriter.writeLog(LogWriter.SEVERE, "This is serious");
// If using the log sending service, then the following parameters are mandatory.
// A Null pointer exception is thrown if any are left unset
// Configure TLS email service
LogSender.host = "smtp.gmail.com";
LogSender.username = "[email protected]"; // Mandatory only when using TLS
LogSender.password = "$habbA!"; // Mandatory only when using TLS
LogSender.subject = "Dropping logs";
LogSender.from = "[email protected]";
LogSender.to = "[email protected]";
// The parameters below are optional.
// Used to change port number for mail server (default is 587)
// LogSender.port = 465;
// Set to use plaintext email instead of TLS
// LogSender.useTLS = false;
// The minimum level of logged messages to send (default is WARNING)
LogSender.severity = LogWriter.INFO;
// How often (in seconds) that messages are sent (default is 60)
LogSender.interval = 30;
// Run the optional log sending service in the background
* Wait a minute
try { Thread.sleep(60000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) {/**/}
// Stop the log sending service
// Read unsent log entries from the database with a minimum
// severity of INFO
System.out.println(LogReader.readLog(LogWriter.INFO, false));
// As above but also include entries that have already been sent
System.out.println(LogReader.readLog(LogWriter.INFO, true));