Import and analysis functions for the R environment for statistical computing and graphics
You need the trajectories
package, which is available from CRAN; on the R prompt, type
or install the development version from github:
The enviroCaR package is not on CRAN yet, so please download and install the package manually. For this to work must have both git ( and R (see documentation here for Windows) on your path. Then run the following commands in the command line:
git clone
Take a look at the demos to see how to use the package:
demo(package = "enviroCaR")
If you find a bug or run into problems, please open a new issue on GitHub:
Before you submit the bug, consider these guidelines.
Contributions to this package are always welcome. Take a look at the issues to see what tasks are pending and join the enviroCar mailing list/forum to discuss new ideas.
We follow the fork & pull development modell, so please fork the project and send us your contributions as pull requests.
No work should be done without an issue describing the task.
We use roxygen comments in the R files. Take a look at the roxygen2 documentation use it and read these guidelines on documenting functions.
See to learn more about the project.
This R exention package is licensed under GPL version 2 or later.