Note: Chouette Core IEV is the Java side application of Chouette Core (here) .
This application has been engineered to manage the dataset import, export and validation processes inside the Chouette workflow.
Chouette Core application has been installed
You configured your postgres database chouette2, postgres user chouette2 (pw: 'chouette2').
Once the sources have been dowloaded, move to your installation folder and generate the ear file :
mvn install -DskipTests
Your application generated .ear file is located under ./boiv_iev/target/ folder.
Alternately, you can find the already packaged ear corresponding to the latest stable version of Chouette IEV here.
Create the /etc/chouette/boiv/ folder :
mkdir -p /etc/chouette/boiv
Create the config file and initialize the required parameters :
cat > /etc/chouette/boiv/ <<EOF # properties for iev server
# base directory for referential storage
# base url for GUI file exchange
# maximun jobs working at same time
# maximun copy by import (save passing times for a line)
# admin key
# validation
## add waiting time in milliseconds on progression steps (comment for production mode)
wget -q -O - | sudo tar -xzf - -C /opt
Create a link :
sudo ln -s /opt/wildfly-9.0.2.Final /opt/wildfly
Grant ownership over that folder to the local user :
sudo chown -R $USER /opt/wildfly-9.0.2.Final
Note: You will have to download the drivers provided in the Chouette STIF IEV Install repository.
Move to the Chouette STIF IEV Install folder.
Postgres driver installation :
mkdir -p /opt/wildfly/modules/org/postgres/main
cp postgres/* /opt/wildfly/modules/org/postgres/main
Hibernate driver installation :
rm /opt/wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/main/hibernate*4.3.10.Final.jar
cp hibernate/* /opt/wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/main
JVM memory increase :
sed -i 's/-Xmx256m/-Xmx2048m/' /opt/wildfly/bin/standalone.conf
Start Wildfly :
/opt/wildfly/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml
Start JBoss CLI :
/opt/wildfly/bin/ --connect
Execute these commands : Note : those parameters display Chouette default configuration, considering the database name, user and password are set to 'chouette2'.
data-source add --jndi-name=java:jboss/datasources/chouette --name=chouette --connection-url=jdbc:postgresql_postGIS://localhost:5432/chouette2 --driver-class=org.postgis.DriverWrapper --driver-name=postgresql --user-name=chouette --password=chouette --max-pool-size=30
/subsystem=ee/managed-executor-service=default/ :write-attribute(name=max-threads,value=20)
/subsystem=ee/managed-executor-service=default/ :write-attribute(name=queue-length,value=20)
Copy your ear file in Wildfly tmp folder.
Note : if you packaged your ear file with maven, change the file name parameter in the following commands accordingly.
mkdir /opt/wildfly/tmp/
cp chouette_iev.ear /opt/wildfly/tmp/
Deploy the ear :
/opt/wildfly/bin/ --connect --command="deploy /opt/wildfly/tmp/chouette_iev.ear"
Test if the application is correctly running :
curl "http://localhost:8080/boiv_iev/referentials/importer/new?id=1"
To change the database used by the application, start JBoss CLI :
/opt/wildfly/bin/ --connect
Execute those commands to undeploy, remove the old datasource, add the new one and redeploy the ear :
undeploy chouette_iev.ear
data-source remove --name=chouette
data-source add --jndi-name=java:jboss/datasources/chouette --name=chouette --connection-url=jdbc:postgresql_postGIS://{DATABASE_URL} --driver-class=org.postgis.DriverWrapper --driver-name=postgresql --user-name={DATABASE_USER} --password={PASSWORD} --max-pool-size=30
deploy chouette_iev.ear
Here is the Chouette Core part responsible of import, export and validation workers.
Visit chouette-core main repository for more information.
BOIV is licensed under the CeCILL-B license, a copy of which can be found in the LICENSE file.