Mechajira is a Node-based automation tool for creating bulk Jira issues with more control than Jira's bulk task template plugin. It will eventually become a Node-based bot that responds to commands in JIRA comments.
Mechjira-bomb.js is like a cluster bomb, creating a batch of tasks on an initial bombing run, then creating sub-tasks under any number of initial tasks and then creating issue links between tasks (from the initial batch).
Mechjira-loop.js is more like a Gatling gun, iterating over an array of values to create clones of a task modeled in a yaml file.
Mechajira uses the jira-connector module (
to make calls to Jira's REST API, and relies on a jira.json file (in a /config directory) to
store the host
, and password
for authentication. We advise creating a new
user with full permissions specifically for Mechjira so all of Mechajira's actions can be
easily monitored.
Mechajira-bomb.js uses the async module to manage the asynchronous processing of multiple
calls and the subsequent creation of sub-tasks and issue links.
The bombsAway()
function creates an initial batch of tasks using async.parallel
flow with a callback including two separate create_____Subtasks()
functions and a
The create_____Subtasks()
functions take two arguments: (1) a Jira Project key, and
(2) an Issue key from the first batch under which to create the Subtasks.
The linkIssues()
function takes the entire issueKeys
object created by bombsAway()
then references individual Issue keys inside each issueLink.createIssueLink()
MECHAJIRA-LOOP.JS Mechajira-loop.js uses a yaml config file to set all of the properties of a model Issue and then iterates over an array to create clones of the model Issue, inserting the array items into the Issue summaries.
The config.yml file should look something like this:
project: MEC // Jira Project key
epic: MEC-90 // Jira Epic key
issuetype: Task // Jira issue type
summary: Fix
description: More text here...
- site 1
- site 2
- site 3
Using the example config.yml file above, mechajira-loop.js will iterate over the values under 'sites' to create three Tasks with the above properties, each one having a Summary of "Fix [site]"