Clusion is an easy to use software library for searchable symmetric encryption (SSE). Its goal is to provide modular implementations of various state-of-the-art SSE schemes. Clusion includes constructions that handle single, disjunctive, conjunctive and (arbitrary) boolean keyword search. All the implemented schemes have sub-linear asymptotic search complexity in the worst-case.
Clusion is provided as-is under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3).
Indexing. The indexer takes as input a folder that can contain pdf files, Micorosft files such .doc, .ppt, media files such as pictures and videos as well as raw text files such .html and .txt. The indexing step outputs two lookup tables. The first associates keywords to document filenames while the second associates filenames to keywords. For the indexing, we use Lucene to tokenize the keywords and get rid of noisy words. For this phase, Apache Lucene, PDFBox and POI are required. For our data structures, we use Google Guava.
Cryptographic primitives. All the implementations make use of the Bouncy
Castle library. The code is modular and all cryptographic primitives are
gathered in the
file. The file contains AES-CTR,
HMAC_SHA256/512, AES-CMAC, key generation based on PBE PKCS1 and random string
generation based on SecureRandom. It also contains a synthetic IV AES encryption and AES based authenticated encryption.
In addition, it also contains an
implementation of the HCB1 online cipher from [BBKN07].
The following SSE schemes are implemented:
2Lev: a static and I/O-efficient SSE scheme [CJJJKRS14].
Dyn2Lev: a dynamic variation of [CJJJKRS14], comes with two instantiations, a first instantiation that only handles add operations, and a second one that handles delete operations in addition. Both instantiations have forward-security guarantees but at the cost of more interactions and non-optimality (in the case of delete).
BIEX-2Lev: a worst-case sub-linear boolean SSE scheme [KM17]. This implementation makes use of 2Lev as a building block. The disjunctive-only IEX-2Lev construction from [KM17] is a special case of IEX^B-2Lev where the number of disjunctions is set to 1 in the Token algorithm.
ZMF: a compact single-keyword SSE scheme (with linear search complexity) [KM17]. The construction is inspired by the Z-IDX construction [Goh03] but handles variable-sized collections of Bloom filters called Matryoshka filters. ZMF also makes a non-standard use of online ciphers. Here, we implemented the HCBC1 construction from [BBKN07] but would like to replace this with the more efficient COPE scheme from [ABLMTY13].
BIEX-ZMF: a compact worst-case optimal boolean SSE scheme. Like our IEX^B-2Lev implementation, the purely disjunctive variant IEX-ZMF is a special case with the number of disjunctions set to 1.
IEX-2Lev-Amazon: a distributed implementation of text indexing based on MapReduce/Hadoop on Amazon AWS.
Dls^D: a dual secure (breach resistant and forward private) structured encryption scheme [AKM19].
We also plan to share our Client-Server implementation for 2Lev, Dyn2Lev, IEX^B-2Lev, IEX^B-ZMF once finalized.
Install Java (1.7 or above)
Install Maven (3.3.9 or above)
Download/Git clone Clusion
Run below commands to build the jar
cd Clusion
mvn clean install
cd target
ls Clusion-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
If the above file exists, build was successful and contains all dependencies
For a quick test, create folder and store some input files, needed jars and test classes are already created
export Java classpath
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/xxx/Clusion/target:/home/xxx/Clusion/target/test-classes
Ensure the directory paths are correct in the above
to test 2Lev (response-revealing)
java org.crypto.sse.TestLocalRR2Lev
to test 2Lev (response-hiding)
java org.crypto.sse.TestLocalRH2Lev
to test DynRH2Lev (response-hiding)
java org.crypto.sse.TestLocalDynRH2Lev
to test DynRH (response-hiding)
java org.crypto.sse.TestLocalDynRH
to test ZMF
java org.crypto.sse.TestLocalZMF
to test IEX-2Lev
java org.crypto.sse.TestLocalIEX2Lev
to test IEX-2Lev (response-hiding)
java org.crypto.sse.TestLocalIEXRH2Lev
to test IEX-ZMF
java org.crypto.sse.TestLocalIEXZMF
to test IEX-2Lev on Amazon
java org.crypto.sse.IEX2LevAMAZON
Clusion currently does not have any documentation. The best way to learn how to use the library is to read through the source of the test code:
Clusion is written in Java.
Below are Dependencies added via Maven (3.3.9 or above) , need not be downloaded manually
Bouncy Castle
Apache Lucene
Apache PDFBox
Apache POI
Google Guava
SizeOF (needed to calculate object size in Java)
Hadoop-2.7.1 was used for our distributed implementation of the IEX-2Lev setup algorithm. Earlier releases of Hadoop may work as well but were not tested
Clusion was tested with Java version 1.7.0_75
[CJJJKRS14]: Dynamic Searchable Encryption in Very-Large Databases: Data Structures and Implementation by D. Cash, J. Jaeger, S. Jarecki, C. Jutla, H. Krawczyk, M. Rosu, M. Steiner.
[KM17]: : Boolean Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Worst-Case Sub-Linear Complexity by S. Kamara and T. Moataz.
[Goh03]: Secure Indexes by E. Goh.
[ABLMTY13]: Parallelizable and Authenticated Online Ciphers by E. Andreeva, A. Bogdanov, A. Luykx, B. Mennink, E. Tischhauser, and K. Yasuda. .
[BBKN07]: On-Line Ciphers and the Hash-CBC Constructions by M. Bellare, A. Boldyreva, L. Knudsen and C. Namprempre.
[AKM19]: Breach-Resistant Structured Encryption by G. Amjad, S. Kamara and T. Moataz.