The primary goal of this sample is to explain following software-architecture concepts and container-technologies like:
- Microservices
- Event Sourcing (Using Kafka)
- Domain Driven Design (DDD)
- Eventual Consistency
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
and methods and tools to make load testing and monitoring memory and cpu consumption like :
- Bombardier
- dotnet-counters
This repo contains a sample application simulates a food delivery journey between ordering and notification operations after successfull transaction. The system consists of the following parts.
- Producer/Order API - An API which accepts post request to make transactional operation of an order (Assuming a new order and/or payment operation has been successfully executed) Then it sends an OrderPaid event message to the event bus.
- Consumer/Email and Notification Service - A Hosted Service (.Net Core Worker Service) which subscribes the Kafka Topic (orderPaid) and sends notification/email about the operation.
You can run the bellow command from the /source/Producer/Order.Api/ directory to build docker images for Producer/Order API
docker build -f "Dockerfile" -t orderproducer_image ..
and the below command from the /source/Consumer/EmailAndNotificationService/ for Consumer/Email and Notification Service
docker build -f "Dockerfile" -t orderconsumer_image ..
after building docker images of two application you can run the below command from the /setup/ directory to run both 2 services and service bus enviroment. (Kafka and Zookeeper)
docker-compose up
To test the application i use bombardier
which is written in Go programming language to simulate many HTTP(S) request concurently sent from different clients.
You can run the below command from the /diagnostics/bombardier/ directory to build docker images for bombardier
docker build -t alpine/bombardier .
To monitor our applications memory consumption and cpu usage i use dot-net-counters
which was introduced with .NET CORE 3.0
You can run the below commands using command prompt to monitor diagnostics of Producer/Order API
and Consumer/Email and Notification Service
PLEASE change your command prompt font-size to 12 for better readibilty.
docker exec -it orderproducer dotnet counters monitor -p 1 System.Runtime Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting
docker exec -it orderconsumer dotnet counters monitor -p 1 System.Runtime
In the image below, you can see the CPU utilization and memory consuptions of our applications on waiting mode. (No request and load)
You can run the below command using powershell or command prompt to make concurent http call to Producer/Order API
. It simulates 50 http calls per second from 50 different clients during 100 seconds.
Run the below command using powershell or command prompt.
docker run -ti --rm alpine/bombardier -c 50 -d 100s --rate 50 -m POST "http://host.docker.internal:5000/api/Order" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -f "orderEventData.json"
Bombarding http://host.docker.internal:5000/api/Order for 1m40S using 50 connection(s)
[=======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================] 1m40sDone!
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 48.32 453.54 26595.33
Latency 1.13s 147.09ms 1.81s
Latency Distribution
50% 613.75ms
75% 639.65ms
90% 707.76ms
99% 1.20s
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 5001, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
others - 0
Throughput: 36.01KB/s
Please see the content of HTTP POST
"customerName": "Emre",
"customerEmail":"[email protected]",
"deliveryAddress":"55 Water Street 28th Floor New York, NY 10041 USA",
"restaurantName": "Quick China",
"orderNote": "please don't ring the doorbell baby is sleeping",
"productName":"Philadelphia Roll Menu (16 Pieces)",
"productName":"California Roll Half Menu (8 Pieces)",
In the image below, you can monitor real-time diagnostics to detect memory leakage
or cpu usage
of the producer
and consumer