- !help: Lists all bot commands.
- !eventsubmit: Submit a event to be reminded for. You must provide a unique event name, MM-DD-YYY date, 24 hour time (in PST), if the event is repeating weekly, monthly, yearly, or none, and whether you want the bot to remind you 30m, 3h, or 1d before the event date.
- !eventlist: List all events and the information associated with each event.
- !eventdelete: Delete an existing event.
- !eventedit: Edit an existing event.
- !mood: Rem's current mood.
- !surprise: It's a surprise!
A channel called '#reminder-bot' must be existing in a server for the bot to have functionality, as it will process commands only in this channel.
All event times must be in PST, and you will be reminded for events in PST.
If an event is submitted with the same name as a previously existing one, the existing event will be overwritten.