XArray Environmental Data Services
brew install netcdf4 h5 geos proj eccodes
Then install with pip
in a virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 env/
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Build the react app
cd viewer/
yarn install
yarn build
Run the following in the activated virtualenv
datasets_mapping_file=./test.json python app.py
Where datasets_mapping_file
is the path to the dataset key value store specified in the previous section. You can now navigate to http://localhost:8090/docs to see the supported operations
docker-compose up -d
The docker container for the app can be built with:
docker build -t xreds:latest .
Once built, it requires a few things to be run: The 8090 port to be exposed, and a volume for the datasets to live in, and the environment variable pointing to the dateset json file.
docker run -p 8090:8090 -e "datasets_mapping_file=/path/to/datasets.json" -v "/path/to/datasets:/opt/xreds/datasets" xreds:latest
Datasets are specified in a key value manner, where the keys are the dataset ids and the values are objects with the path and access control info for the datasets:
"gfswave_global": {
"path": "s3://nextgen-dmac/kerchunk/gfswave_global_kerchunk.json",
"type": "kerchunk",
"chunks": {},
"drop_variables": ["orderedSequenceData"]
"dbofs": {
"path": "s3://nextgen-dmac/nos/nos.dbofs.fields.best.nc.zarr",
"type": "kerchunk",
"chunks": {
"ocean_time": 1
"drop_variables": ["dstart"]
Currently zarr
, netcdf
, and kerchunk
dataset types are supported. This information should be saved a file and specified when running.
First follow instructions above to build the docker image tagged xreds:latest
. Then thexreds:latest
image needs to be tagged and deployed to the relevant docker registry.
# Auth with ECR
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin public.ecr.aws/m2c5k9c1
# Tag the image
docker tag xreds:latest public.ecr.aws/m2c5k9c1/nextgen-dmac/xreds:latest
# Push the image
docker push public.ecr.aws/m2c5k9c1/nextgen-dmac/xreds:latest
Once pushed, we can deploy it to the cluster with the following command:
kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml