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Idris Web Components

A package for writing Custom Elements with Idris.

  • Easy composition of Custom Element functionality with support for do-notation, allowing for separation of concerns.

  • Proofs that storing a value as a string attribute and retrieving it again results in the same value.

  • The ability for one Custom Element to depend on the functionality of another. For example, if a parent relies on a child emitting an event, compilation will fail if the child does not declare that event.

See it live


main : IO ()
main = customElement "example-element" $

  do -- add a template with some styling
         :host([clicked]) { color: hotpink; }

     -- add a boolean property 'clicked'
     -- this can be accessed in the browser with:
     --   document.querySelector('test-element').clicked
     -- we also get a getter and setter for use in Idris
     (getClicked, setClicked) <- Prop Bool "clicked"

     -- add a listener for the click event with a callback
     -- the callback sets our clicked property to true
     Listener "click" (\self, _ => setClicked True <*> pure self)

Now we compile the program to JavaScript (with --codegen javascript) and include the output (along with CustomElement/helper.js) in an HTML file:

  <script src="out.js"></script>
  <script src="helper.js"></script>
  <example-element>I was written in Idris</example-element>


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