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Emmanuel edited this page Jan 4, 2021 · 3 revisions


BCF files

BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) allows different BIM applications to communicate model-based issues with each other by leveraging IFC models that have been previously shared among project collaborators.
More specifically, BCF works by transferring XML formatted data, which is contextualized information about an issue or problem directly referencing a view, captured via PNG and IFC coordinates, and elements of a BIM, as referenced via their IFC GUIDs, from one application to another.
BCF files contain the issues or problems (deisgnated as topics" but not the BIM model itself.


Description of BCF files and their usage :

The BCF file schema is detailed in :

An example of BCF file is supplied for tests : Example.bcfzip.


BCFviewer is a Windows application that reads a BCF file and displays its content in a form.


Here is a screenshot of the application : Screenshot


  1. Dowload the zip file from Releases.
  2. Unzip the file in a dedicated directory.
  3. Launch BCFviewer.exe located in this directory.

They are built for netcoreapp3.1.

User manual

Load a BCF file

Use the File > Load menu to load a BCF file in the panel.
This will remove the previous data from the panel.
The tree shows the Name of the file, the Topics and their Comments.
Click on any line to see its details and the picture of the related viewpoint (if provided in the file).

Append a BCF file

Use the File > Append menu to add the content of an additional file in the panel without removing the previous ones.


The viewer is based on a C# class explained in these pages.