PHP class for using our company's API v2 as part of the subscription.
Run following command in terminal from the root of your project:
composer require marketingplatform/api_parser_v2
You can load dependencies by adding these lines to your code:
require_once 'vendor/marketingplatform/api_parser/src/settings.php';
require_once 'vendor/marketingplatform/api_parser/src/ApiParser.class.php';
- Set up your API credentials (apiusername & apitoken) into settings.php
- Create instance from ApiParser.class.php
$parser = new ApiParser($settings);
- Call method from ApiParser
$listid = 24;
$emailaddress = "[email protected]";
$mobileNumber = "72444444";
$mobilePrefix = "45";
$confirmed = false;
$addToAutoreposnders = false;
$result = $parser->AddProfileToList($listid, $emailaddress, $mobileNumber, $mobilePrefix, $confirmed, $addToAutoreposnders);