The Restaurant Review project is an API designed to allow users to discover, rate, and review restaurants. The main objective of this API is to provide a simple and efficient way to find the best dining experiences while helping restaurant owners gather valuable feedback to improve their services.
This project was created to help me learn Java and Spring for the first time. It was then used by two colleagues specialising in IOS and Web to practise building their respective frontends.
- User registration and authentication: Users can sign up for an account and securely log in to access the API's features.
- Browsing restaurants: Users can view a list of restaurants, filter them by various criteria such as city and rating.
- Restaurant details: Users can view detailed information about a specific restaurant, including its location and reviews.
- Rating and reviewing restaurants: Users can rate and write reviews for restaurants they've visited, providing valuable feedback for both restaurant owners and other users.
- Restaurant management: Restaurant owners or admins can add, update, and delete restaurant listings.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- OpenAPI
- Liquibase
You should have Java, Maven, and Docker installed on your machine. Follow the steps below to install them:
SDKMAN! is a tool for managing parallel versions of multiple Software Development Kits on Unix based systems. It provides a convenient Command Line Interface (CLI) and API for installing, switching, removing and listing Candidates.
To install SDKMAN!, open a new terminal and enter:
curl -s "" | bash
Then, open a new terminal or enter:
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
Now, you can install Java and Maven using SDKMAN!:
sdk install java
sdk install maven
Download and install Java 17 from the official website.
Download and install Maven from the official website.
If you have Homebrew installed, you can install Maven by running:
brew install maven
If you do not have Homebrew installed, you can install it by running:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <>)"
brew install maven
Follow the instructions on the official website to install Docker and Docker Compose.
- First, clone the project repository. If you already have the project cloned, you can move onto the next step:
git clone
- Pull the latest version of the projects
git pull main
Navigate to the project root directory.
Build the project with seed data:
mvn compile jib:dockerBuild
- You can then run the Docker compose configuration:
docker-compose up -d
The application should now be up and running on http://localhost:8080.
If it isn't running, check that all three parts of the docker restaurant-review-api are running. If they aren't, press the start button and try accessing it again.
The database is seeded with an Admin user and Review User. Use the following credentials to authenticate:
Username: admin
Password: Password123!
Username: reviewer
Password: Password123!
To authenticate, make a POST request to http://localhost:8080/login with the username and password. This will return a JWT token, which you will need to include in the Authorization header of your requests to interact with the rest of the API.
The API documentation is provided using OpenAPI and can be explored using Swagger UI.
Once you have the application up and running locally, you can navigate to:
Here, you can explore the API's endpoints, understand the structure of request payloads, responses, and even interact with the API by sending requests directly from the interface.
Remember, the application must be running to access the Swagger UI and interact with the API.
To play with the api using Postman you can use the links below.
V1 only endpoints:[…]-environment=26377513-198c55f1-5fe6-473a-a7c8-bf6232abfd2b Updated endpoints (in V1 mode):[…]-environment=26377513-198c55f1-5fe6-473a-a7c8-bf6232abfd2b Updated endpoints (in V2 mode):[…]-environment=26377513-14e8ed8e-9f0d-40b1-ba62-2ccd446d49c5
You will need to get a JWT bearer token via the Get Authentication method to be able to use secured endpoints.