#Getting Started
Open the index.php and fill in the first 10 lines with your specifications.
You need to go to developer.evi.com and sign up for an account there. Even if you sign up with a regular account, you need to make sure you have a developer account as well. Also you may need to confirm your email address prior to this working. You now need to add the domain where you will be hosting the index.php file. Add this at the bottom of https://developer.evi.com/api-details#domain-keys
Make sure to replace the username holder (in the index) with your DEVELOPER username. Usually looks like api_YOUR-USERNAME. The password will be the one automatically generated that you get via email.
You can test if your permissions are working properly by doing a direct query. Put this in your browser (note, replace the username and password) http://api.trueknowledge.com/direct_answer/?question=List+of+James+Bond+actors&api_account_id=USERNAME-GOES-HERE&api_password=PASSWORD-HERE
Sign up for a wolfram dev account https://developer.wolframalpha.com/ Create a new App ID Paste the App ID in line 3 in the index
To see on screen out put, add a stylesheet to make the iframe have a width and a height of 100%.
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