Elastos.ORG.DID.Service documentation
This repo provide simple HTTP Restful API for developers to interact with elastos did sidechain . you may need to construct your own local node to use some of these API , never provide private key to any third party .
Run with Maven
- Update
and ensure thatnode.didPrefix
is set to the endpoint of the Elastos.DID you are using and optionally setdid.address
. - Install Project:
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip -Dgpg.skip
This will build the JAR file executable which can be found at did.api/target
, for example v0.0.6 will be did.api-0.0.6.jar
or Gradle
compile 'org.elastos:did.api:0.0.6'
Add A Entry Class
public class MainEntry {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(org.elastos.Application.class, args);
Add application.properties in resources
## chain restful url
## change to your local DID sidechain node resutful port
node.didPrefix = http://localhost:20334
node.connectionCount = /api/v1/node/connectioncount
node.state = /api/v1/node/state
node.blockTxByHeight = /api/v1/block/transactions/height/
node.blockByHeight = /api/v1/block/details/height/
node.blockByhash = /api/v1/block/details/hash/
node.blockHeight = /api/v1/block/height
node.blockHash = /api/v1/block/hash/
node.transaction = /api/v1/transaction/
node.asset = /api/v1/asset/
node.balanceByAddr = /api/v1/asset/balances/
node.balanceByAsset = /api/v1/asset/balance/
node.utxoByAsset = /api/v1/asset/utxo/
node.utxoByAddr = /api/v1/asset/utxos/
node.sendRawTransaction = /api/v1/transaction
node.transactionPool = /api/v1/transactionpool
node.restart = /api/v1/restart
## api return status code
retcode.SUCC = 200
retcode.BAD_REQUEST = 400
retcode.NOT_FOUND = 404
retcode.INTERNAL_ERROR = 500
retcode.PROCESS_ERROR = 10001
## basic
basic.ONE_ELA = 100000000
basic.FEE = 0.000001
basic.CROSS_CHAIN_FEE = 0.0001
## application
server.port = 8091
## log
logging.level.root =INFO
## DID related api
## did setting field output receiving adddress , you can set you own receiving address
did.address =EbxU18T3M9ufnrkRY7NLt6sKyckDW4VAsA
did.fee =0.0001
did.burnAddress =0000000000000000000000000000000000