A pile of generic subroutines for using in Spark notebooks.
To use, do something like:
!rm -rf telemetry_utils && git clone https://github.com/ekr/telemetry_utils
import utils
import tls
This consists of two main modules
- utils -- stuff which is supposed to be generic
- tls -- stuff which is supposed to be TLS-specific
The factoring is not really that clean. I also don't guarantee that these implementations are really the right ones.
There is also a top-level file called boilerplate.py that I use to store working state for whatever I'm doing now.
More detail about what's currently here:
Exports a pile of functions primarily for building contingency tables of telemetry pings for categorical histograms. Supports both raw contingency tables and contingency tables normalized so that each clientId is given equal weight. Example usage:
> y = run_comparison_panel_by_client(sc, beta53_exp_pings_full, histograms, predict_arm, tls.HISTOGRAM_LABELS)
[113.64288622716715, 0.00029950633371592192],
[119.38245840980389, 0.00031490023636762703]],
[122.55444671533461, 0.00032299279114505965],
[127.05272981906997, 0.00033513244059557568]],
[129.50711975353667, 0.00034131659195943599],
[127.34166381850159, 0.00033589457421158263]],
[334.64666271796131, 0.00088196277275616106],
[370.08002260109578, 0.00097617596541680436]],
[389.73953937313161, 0.0010271602950002675],
[391.14682819684884, 0.0010317447830637083]],
[1510.9999299765564, 0.0039822470573974813],
[1534.3472646496039, 0.0040472136588913113]],
[1932.3508136285761, 0.005092719191291702],
[1901.8226295478398, 0.0050165192068513751]],
[2747.764018312364, 0.0072417443305353843],
[3189.4835792917138, 0.0084130377811615347]],
[4798.9236986272726, 0.012647584820093274],
[4764.6313987429176, 0.012567872815270723]],
[366785.06962116639, 0.96666368754820675],
[365977.09995070362, 0.96535351017826765]]]
A pile of stuff you won't want that lets you process TLS experiments,
contains a map table for bucket names
for the following histograms.