NodeJS MVC abstractions (Facade, Model, View, Controller, common libraries).
By default configuration is stored in the .env file (like it is in dotenv). To get started, create a .env file in your root folder. You can use .env-base file as a template. The .env file is specific to your environment and should not be part of the git repository (it is included to .gitignore). Its contents should be at the minimum a line like the following:
Our server.js file will then load a config file based on that NODE_ENV value.
Save your config file in this location: /config
Using the example from above, our application will look for this config file: /config/environment-name
Based on your need you may create different type of applications and/or server processed. Most widely used types are:
HTTP Server
CRON Jobs Application
Commandline Application
Queue Jobs Server
You application may be a combination of few types of processes.
As nodejs itself now supports ES6 in production mode, you need to use latest nodejs build to run the application.
Please download latest build of nodejs from
To run the application please do the following:
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create servers.js/application.js or any other application file and run it.
node server.js
Example of simple application:
// Using STRICT mode for ES6 features
"use strict";
var Core = require('dft-mvc-core');
* Importing Application Facade and run the Application.
* @author Eugene A. Kalosha <[email protected]>
var applicationFacade = Core.ApplicationFacade.instance;
applicationFacade.load('server', Core.Modules.HTTPServer);
applicationFacade.load('mongoose', Core.Modules.Mongoose);
applicationFacade.load('bootstrap', require('./app/bootstrap.js'));
// Initializing all modules
// Running modules;
Example of Bootstrap Class:
// Using STRICT mode for ES6 features
"use strict";
var Core = require('dft-mvc-core');
* Importing Application Facade
* @type {ApplicationFacade|*}
var applicationFacade = Core.ApplicationFacade.instance;
* Require Async operations helper
* @type {exports|module.exports}
var async = require("async");
* Web Init Module
* @author Eugene A. Kalosha <[email protected]>
class WebInitModule extends Core.Bootstrap {
* HTTP Server constructor
constructor () {
// We must call super() in child class to have access to 'this' in a constructor
* Initialize server application
init () {
// Inherit bindings to parents initialization
this._logger.log('@@@@ Init server application');
this.applicationFacade.model.loadModels(this.applicationFacade.basePath + "/app/models");
// Loading module routes
* Running module
run () {
this._logger.log('@@@@ Run Bootstrap module');
* Bootstrapping module
bootstrap () {
this._logger.log('[WebInitModule] Bootstraping Module: ',;
module.exports = WebInitModule;