Login into the API in order to request an access token.
POST /access-token
Request body
username: string,
password: string
access_token: string
To use the app, the user must have their authentication permission.
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
GET api/message?recipient_user_id
Where recipient_user_id is required for execution the request.
Here recipient_user_id
is the user to whom we have interacted.
message: [
content: string,
creation_dt: string,
modification_dt: string,
deactivated_dt: string,
message_state_dt: string //YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s,
user: {
user_id: int,
avatar_url: string,
email: string
To use the app, the user must have their authentication permission.
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
GET api/user
user: [
name: string,
uuid: string,
creation_dt: string,
modification_dt: string,
deactivated_dt: string,
cellphone: string,
email: string
To use the app, the user must have their authentication permission.
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
GET api/user/{id_user}
user: [
name: string,
uuid: string,
creation_dt: string,
modification_dt: string,
deactivated_dt: string,
cellphone: string
To use the app, the user must have their authentication permission.
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
GET api/user/{id_user}/message
message: [
content: string,
uuid: string,
creation_dt: string,
modification_dt: string,
deactivated_dt: string,
recipient_user_id: int,
recipient_state_dt: string,
user_id: int,
avatar_url: string,
email: string
Create request to add new user
Required headers
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
POST /api/user
Request body
name: string,
cellphone: string,
email: string
Response HTTP 200
message: {
name: string,
uuid: string,
creation_dt: string,
modification_dt: string,
deactivated_dt: string,
cellphone: string,
email: string
Required headers
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
POST /api/user/{recipient_user_id}/message
Where recipient_user_id is required for execution the request.
Here recipient_user_id
is the user to whom we have to send a messages.
Request body
content: string
Response HTTP 200
message: {
content: string,
user_id: int,
creation_dt: string,
modification_dt: string,
deactivated_dt: string
Required headers
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
DELETE /api/message/{message_id}
Where message_id is the identifier a message to be deleted, also is required for execution of the request.
**Response HTTP 204 **
Required headers
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
DELETE /api/user/{user_id}
Where user_id is the identifier of an User to be deleted, also is required for execution of the request.
**Response HTTP 204 **