A useful interactive map to explain the complexities of where I live for 10k apart
- No javascript, all animation & interactions work without javascript
- Keyboard friendly - you can navigate the site using only the keyboard
- High contrast colour pallete - WCAG AAA
- Web font and favicon included within the total page size!
- css inlined for speed
With css disabled all information is logically displayed as:
- List of countries under each territory
- Usable map
- [tiny png - compressed favicon] (https://tinypng.com/)
- [svg cleaner - compressed svgs, also did manual clean up] (https://sourceforge.net/projects/svgcleaner/)
- [fontPrep - font subsetting] (https://github.com/briangonzalez/fontprep)
- [codekit - css minifiy] (https://incident57.com/codekit/)
- Accessibility Developer Tools - 0 errors
- Contrast Ratio Checker - AAA
- [Wave - 0 errors] (http://wave.webaim.org/)
- OSX VoiceOver - text speech is complete transcript of each terrority
- [Page insights - 100/100 score] (https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Feighthday.github.io%2F10kb%2F)
- [ySlow - Grade A 99] (http://yslow.org/)
- [Pingdom speed test - 100%] (https://tools.pingdom.com/#!/bJoUoF/https://eighthday.github.io/10kb/)
- IE8+
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chrome fot Android
- ios 9 Safari
##8.7kb Gziped ##View demo https://eighthday.github.io/10kb