Generate code from your SQL schema and queries for type safety and development speed.
Generates type definitions and query functions with a single command!
The goal of sql-code-generator
is to use the SQL you've already defined in order to speed up development and eliminate errors. This is done by extracting type definitions from sql and exposing those type definitions in code, automatically generating the interface that bridges your sql and your primary development language.
This includes:
- generating type definitions from SQL resources (e.g., tables, views, functions, procedures)
- generating type definitions from SQL queries (e.g.,
select * from table
) - generating typed functions that execute SQL queries from SQL queries (e.g.,
const sqlQueryFindAllUsersByName = async ({ input: InputType }): Promise<OutputType>
This enables:
- controlling and mastering database logic fully in SQL
- strictly bound types between sql and typescript for compile time error checking
- strongly typed, auto-generated database query functions for speed, consistency, and encoding of best practices
- autocompletion and explore-ability of sql resources in your IDE
Inspired by graphql-code-generator
npm install --save-dev sql-code-generator
This file will define the sql language to extract type definitions from, where your sql resources and sql queries are, and where to output the generated types and query functions. By default, the generator looks for a file named codegen.sql.yml
in your projects root.
For example:
language: postgres # note: mysql is supported, too
dialect: 10.7
resources: # where to find your tables, functions, views, procedures
- "schema/**/*.sql"
queries: # where to find your queries
- "src/dao/**/*.ts"
- "!src/**/*.test.ts"
- "!src/**/*.test.integration.ts"
generates: # where to output the generated code
types: src/dao/generated/types.ts
queryFunctions: src/dao/generated/queryFunctions.ts
$ npx sql-code-generator version
$ npx sql-code-generator generate
Resources should be defined in .sql
files. We'll extract both the name and the type from the create definition automatically. For example:
id bigserial NOT NULL,
uuid uuid NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
url varchar NOT NULL,
description varchar NULL,
CONSTRAINT photo_ux1 UNIQUE (url, description)
The above definition would generate the following typescript type definitions:
// types for table 'photo'
export interface SqlTablePhoto {
id: number;
uuid: string;
created_at: Date;
url: string;
description: string | null;
Queries can be defined in .ts
or .sql
files. If in a .ts
file, this file should contain a named export called sql
exporting the sql of your query. We'll extract the name of the query from a specially formatted comment in your sql, e.g.: -- query_name = find_photos_by_url
would resolve a query name of find_photos_by_url
. For example:
export const sql = `
-- query_name = find_photos_by_url
FROM photo p
WHERE p.url = :url
The above definition would generate the following typescript type definitions:
// types for query 'find_photos_by_url'
export interface SqlQueryFindPhotosByUrlInput {
url: SqlTablePhoto['url'];
export interface SqlQueryFindPhotosByUrlOutput {
uuid: SqlTablePhoto['uuid'];
url: SqlTablePhoto['url'];
description: SqlTablePhoto['caption'];
And that same definition would also generate the following typescript query function:
import { pg as prepare } from 'yesql';
import { sql as sqlQueryFindPhotosByUrlSql } from '../../dao/user/findAllByName';
import { SqlQueryFindPhotosByUrlInput, SqlQueryFindPhotosByUrlOutput } from './types';
// typedefs common to each query function
export type DatabaseExecuteCommand = (args: { sql: string; values: any[] }) => Promise<any[]>;
export type LogMethod = (message: string, metadata: any) => void;
// client method for query 'find_photos_by_url'
export const sqlQueryFindPhotosByUrl = async ({
}: {
dbExecute: DatabaseExecuteCommand;
logDebug: LogMethod;
input: SqlQueryFindPhotosByUrlInput;
}): Promise<SqlQueryFindPhotosByUrlOutput[]> => {
// 1. define the query with yesql
const { text: preparedSql, values: preparedValues } = prepare(sqlQueryFindPhotosByUrlSql)(input);
// 2. log that we're running the request
logDebug('sqlQueryFindPhotosByUrl.input', { input });
// 3. execute the query
const output = await dbExecute({ sql: preparedSql, values: preparedValues });
// 4. log that we've executed the request
logDebug('sqlQueryFindPhotosByUrl.output', { output });
// 5. return the output
return output;
generate typescript code by parsing sql definitions for types and usage
$ sql-code-generator generate
-c, --config=config (required) [default: codegen.sql.yml] path to config yml
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: dist/contract/commands/generate.ts
display help for sql-code-generator
$ sql-code-generator help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Team work makes the dream work! Please create a ticket for any features you think are missing and, if willing and able, draft a PR for the feature :)