- Allows users to quickly import large Ordnance Survey vector datasets such as the Topography Layer and apply the recommended cartographic styling.
- Ordance Ordnance Survey MasterMap comes in large zipped XML files
- They publish a defined styling of the data in XSLT
- UK organisations have difficulty processing the files and can burn lots of money and time.
- Engineers take shortcuts conclude that structured data is slow, and incur technical debt
- Streams content from zipped XML (GML) files
- Applies an XSLT transform to each element
- Streams content into a bulk load target (e.g. Postgres / PostGIS using NPGSQL
First load some data using the UI like this ...
Then you can see the data including styling like this ...
Then you can configure a rendrer, for example with UMN MapServer and OpenLayers
This was originally hosted here and there are more notes in HTML files in the project.
Migrated to .Net Core 5
- Removed references to WPF (which we were using for Point and Rect)
- Restructured file layout
- Added automated builds and ZIPed releases in GitHub to make contributions safer.
Migrated to .Net 472 / NuGet / High DPI and tested with:
- Visual Studio 2019 (16.9.6)
- SQL Server 2019 Developer (some faff with native DLLs)
- PostGres 13 (13.3 running locally)
All still works with geometry visible in PGAdmin and SQL Server Management Console.