In this repo are only configs not their programs, those u must already have installed.
I use sparse-checkout and exlude to only get specific files with git. Sadly, the file always gets cloned.
Except for files in the other
folder all files should already be at the right place after cloning this repo.
(If u fork this first, u can sync and save your own configs)
Go into one of the following paths:
unix: ~/.config/
win: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\
git init
git remote add origin
git config core.sparseCheckoutCone true
Choose the folders that u want:
git sparse-checkout set nvim alacritty hypr
Finish the setup:
git pull origin main
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main main
Put the following in this file to exclude all files and folders, except some specific ones.
* # all files in ./
/*/ # all subfolders and files
# exclude the following folders and their content
# exclude the following files
- vim: (/other/.vimrc)
- neovim: (/nvim/)
- alacritty: (/alacritty/)
- hyprland: (/hypr/)
- partially bash: (.bash_aliases)
- general Theme: (egnrseTheme.css)
- Nerd-Font: (/other/
wanting to add:
- waybar
- rofi
- wofi
- wlogout
(/other/.vimrc) (Win10/Linux)
Copy the file to ~/
, some infos are in the file. I use Plug as a Plugin Manager, it should autoinstall itself. Should work on Win10 and Linux.
(/nvim/) (Win10/Linux)
Some explanations of the settings are in the files. The setup Leader-Key is Space. (some shortcuts start with the Space-Key)
- Main setup in
- Custom keymapings in
- Lazy Plugin Manager in
(just works)
Settings for the plugins are in their files (./lua/plugins/*
)- bufferline (top bar with file tabs)
- cmp (autocompletion)
- colorscheme
- lualine (status line)
- nvim-autopairs (autocomplete brackes and more)
- nvim-tree (file explorer) {Leader+E}
- other (misc plugins)
(/alacritty/) (Linux)
in win10 add: (does not work yet)
import = ["../../Local/alacritty/alacritty.toml"]
to %APPDATA%\alacritty\alacritty.toml
(/hypr/) (Linux)
might not (fully) work without some other (not yet here) stuff (eg. wofi, waybar, someScripts, dunst, nautilus)
: close/exit/logout
: terminal (alacritty)
: start a program (wofi)
(.bash_aliases) (Linux)
add this to your ~/.bashrc
(or similar):
if [ -f ~/.config/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.config/.bash_aliases
Some info in the file.
(egnrseTheme.css) (Linux)
still a work in progress
or install it over pacman: ttf-dejavu-nerd
git config core.sparseCheckout true
: can also add single files to the sparsity list (not only directories)
git config --global core.editor "nvim"
git config status.showUntrackedFiles no
git sparse-checkout list
git remote set-url origin github:egnrse/configs.git
: setup your ~/.ssh/config
for github first
use ~/.ssh/config
ssh -T github
: test github connection