You have commit messages with errors
⧗ input: ci: Clean up publishing workflows
This is in prep for more substantive changes to the PyPI call.
- Adjust formatting and naming, fix syntax (quote numeric string)
- Remove some differences: Remove default x64 arch value; use newer LTS
✖ type must be one of [revert, feat, fix, perf, docs, test, build, refactor, style, chore, temp] [type-enum]
✖ found 1 problems, 0 warnings
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⧗ input: ci: Switch to Trusted Publisher method for PyPI
Testing out the Trusted Publisher method for PyPI:
This should allow us to avoid using an org-wide secret, in favor of
short-lived tokens generated by GitHub.
✖ type must be one of [revert, feat, fix, perf, docs, test, build, refactor, style, chore, temp] [type-enum]
✖ found 1 problems, 0 warnings
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