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OntoViewer is an open-source project that is hosted by EDM Council. The project started in May 2019. OntoViewer is a JAVA application that is specifically designed to access both the ontology structure and its content in the easiest possible way. OntoViewer servers both as a web application and REST API.


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onto-viewer is an open-source Java application that provides a number of REST API endpoints to access the content of OWL ontologies. If run together with html-pages frontend, it will visualise them as a web application.

Table of contents

How to run onto-viewer

How to customise your ontology to be properly displayed by onto-viewer

  1. We require each ontology IRI to follow the convention described in Vocabularies that use a 'slash namespace', i.e. end with a forward slash character / (e.g.,
  2. We require that all ontologies are "registered" in the meta file(s), which store the relevant metadata, in particular allow for custom modularisation - see for an example of such file.
  3. We recommend that all imported ontologies and locally cached and their local references are listed in catalog-v001.xml file.

How to run it locally

To run the onto-viewer locally:

  • Download the file named "" from the latest release.
  • Unzip the file.
  • In the command prompt of your operating system run the following command in the folder with the last release:
java -jar app-v-LAST_VERSION_NUMBER.war


java -jar app-v-0.1.0.war

How to run it using docker


... with FIBO

How to start: Clone the edmcouncil/onto-viewer repository to the onto-viewer directory, go to the onto-viewer directory (run all subsequent commands inside this directory), then build the images (or pull from the registry if available) and run the containers:

# clone the repository
git clone onto-viewer

# got to the onto-viewer directory
cd onto-viewer

# build images
docker compose build
# alternatively pull images from registry if available
#docker compose pull --ignore-pull-failures

# run the containers
docker compose up -d

After some time, check the status of running containers:

docker compose ps

if they work correctly, the following message will appear:

NAME                        IMAGE                           COMMAND                  SERVICE             CREATED             STATUS                   PORTS
onto-viewer-fibo-pages-1    edmcouncil/fibo-pages:latest    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   fibo-pages          7 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes (healthy)   
onto-viewer-fibo-strapi-1   edmcouncil/fibo-strapi:latest   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   fibo-strapi         7 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes (healthy)   
onto-viewer-fibo-viewer-1   edmcouncil/onto-viewer:latest   "sh"       fibo-viewer         7 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes (healthy)   
onto-viewer-spec-1          edmcouncil/spec:latest          "/docker-entrypoint.…"   spec                7 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes (healthy)>80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp

The services provide endpoints at the following URLs:

It is also possible to build (or pull from the registry, if available) Docker images with tag names other than the default develop - use environment variables:

... with an ontology of your choice

It is possible to run containers with any ontology (instead of FIBO):

  • place the ontology files of your choice in the onto-viewer-web-app/ontologies subdirectory and the config files in the onto-viewer-web-app/config subdirectory

  • using the compose file (instead of the default docker-compose.yaml), build the images,then run the containers:

    echo >> .env
    docker compose build
    docker compose up -d

    once all services are up and running, onto-viewer with your ontology will be available at http://localhost:8080/dev/ontology

If you want to see the logs use:

# to view continuous log output for <SERVICE>=dev-viewer
docker compose logs --follow dev-viewer

# to view *100* latest log lines for <SERVICE>=dev-viewer
docker compose logs --tail 100 dev-viewer

Stop the services with the command:

docker compose down

Remove all images and volumes with the command:

docker compose down --rmi all -v


Please read and for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


To run integration tests, use the following command:

mvn -P integration-tests verify


License: MIT


OntoViewer is an open-source project that is hosted by EDM Council. The project started in May 2019. OntoViewer is a JAVA application that is specifically designed to access both the ontology structure and its content in the easiest possible way. OntoViewer servers both as a web application and REST API.




Code of conduct





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