Simple auto plugin to run activemq from sbt
These are the features of this small plugin:
- Register multiple broker URIs
- Start / Stop / Restart brokers
- List registered URIs
A snapshot version is available at
The plugin is written as a
Add this to your `plugins.sbt'
addSbtPlugin("com.edc4it" % "sbt-activemq" % "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT")
And this to your `build.sbt' (or similar in your build definition)
val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(SbtActiveMQ)
amqBrokers += ("sample" -> "broker:tcp://localhost:17171")
You can add multiple Broker URIs.
Once you start the sbt console you can the following
- List the registered Broker URIs:
> amqStatus
default STOPPED broker:tcp://localhost:61616
sample STOPPED broker:tcp://localhost:17171
[success] Total time: 0 s, ...
- Start a broker (using completion for the names)
> amqStart default
Apache ActiveMQ 5.10.0 (brokerOne, ID:hp-8570w-43824-1409310328896-0:1) is starting
Apache ActiveMQ 5.10.0 (brokerOne, ID:hp-8570w-43824-1409310328896-0:1) started
[success] Total time: 1 s, ...
> amqStatus
default STARTED broker:tcp://localhost:61616
sample STOPPED broker:tcp://localhost:17171
[success] Total time: 0 s,
- Stop a broker
> amqStop default
Apache ActiveMQ 5.10.0 (sample, ID:hp-8570w-43824-1409310328896-0:1) is shutting down
Apache ActiveMQ 5.10.0 (sample, ID:hp-8570w-43824-1409310328896-0:1) uptime 1 minute
Apache ActiveMQ 5.10.0 (sample, ID:hp-8570w-43824-1409310328896-0:1) is shutdown
[success] Total time: 0 s,
Some important notes (some will need to be
- The broker starts a random port for the JMX use
to see which one - The data directory is set to
- The log is written to
(the logs from the BrokerService are presented in the sbt console)
SBT ActiveMQ is Apache 2.0 licensed.