A pipeline tool to convert Cytosense data files to EcoTaxa compatible format.
- Automated conversion from Cytosense (.cyz) to EcoTaxa format
- Built-in cyz2json binary for data extraction
- Cross-platform support (Linux, Windows, MacOS)
- System-wide installation
sudo ./install.sh --github
sudo ./install.sh
on Windows use install.ps1 instead of install.sh
to remove or put in cyz2json
manual build to bypass security with xattr command, then need to go in Systems Settings > Security & Privacy > General and allow the app to be opened for the 10+ libraries. (need to relauch sevaral time the cyz2json binary)
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Users/sebastiengalvagno/Downloads/cytosense_to_ecotaxa_pipeline_macos-0.0.24/cytosense_to_ecotaxa_pipeline/bin/*
/usr/local/bin/cytosense_to_ecotaxa_pipeline Deployment\ 1\ 2024-07-18\ 21h12.cyz --output Deployment\ 1\ 2024-07-18\ 21h12.json
sudo ./uninstall.sh
on Windows use uninstall.ps1 instead of uninstall.sh